Crete Airport Heraklion
Crete Airport Heraklion
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The climate of Crete is temperate and is formed under the influence of two climatic zones. The island is characterized by dry summers and relatively warm but rainy winters. Humidity can vary significantly and depends in each case on the distance from the sea.
Do you want to know what the weather is like in Heraklion today? Our visual weather block will help you! To your attention a detailed weather forecast in Heraklion for today and the coming days. Includes air temperature, humidity, and special weather conditions.
The best time to visit Crete is from May to October, because due to its geographical location (between Europe and Africa), here you can enjoy 300 days of sunshine a year. This makes it no less attractive to visit in the rest of the year. The high season in Crete starts at the end of June and lasts until mid-September, which other Greek islands cannot boast of. The hottest months are July and August.
If you are planning to explore the sights and nature of Crete at a time when there is not yet a large influx of tourists, then mid-May - early June is ideal for you. Also, at the beginning of September, when the air temperature begins to decrease gradually, most travelers with children return to their homeland, and you can safely enjoy the rest and the warm sea. In September and October, prices in hotels and apartments are reduced, which makes it possible to visit the island even on a limited budget.
Winter in Heraklion is warm but rainy. The temperature in Heraklion is unstable and at this time of the year, it can range from 15.3 °C to 27 °C. Snow on the coast of Crete is an extremely rare phenomenon and happens every few years. But even in Heraklion, the temperature can drop below 10 °C.
If you decide to visit Heraklion for Christmas, the local holidays are waiting for you. The feast of Epiphany is celebrated by parishioners in January near a river or sea. The priest blesses the water, and the swimmers dive in trying to get the cross.
Another event worth visiting is the Rethymno Carnival, which takes place from late January to mid-February. For three weeks, visitors can enjoy masquerades and colorful processions that take place throughout the city.
Spring in Heraklion is short but indescribably beautiful. March is the same rainy month as all previous winter months, and in April the precipitation stops. The average temperature in Crete in March and April is 17-20°C during the day and 10-12°C at night. The weather in Heraklion in May already allows you to swim in the warm sea. It is also a great time for leisurely sightseeing without being surrounded by crowds and having to wait in lines.
On March 25, Greece celebrates the big holiday 1821 Memorial Parade in honour of the Independence Day of Greece.
And if you stay in Crete during Easter, you can visit the Burning of Judas Celebrations. During the celebration, the statue of Judas is symbolically burned in the central squares.
In summer, an unforgettable seaside holiday awaits you. The weather in Heraklion in June pleases people who like to spend time on the beach with heat and high humidity. The temperature is from +27 °C to +31 °C, and at noon it is even higher. There is practically no precipitation in the city. In the evenings, cool breezes blow, bringing a little relief.
There are many tourists in Crete in the summer, so you can see a lot of entertainment. In June, the Rethymnon Wine Festival is held, where you can taste different types of wine. The second month of summer welcomes tourists with the Yakinthia Festival, where people enjoy traditional Cretan music and dance. And on August 15, throughout Greece, including Crete, the Greeks celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Didn't have time to go on holiday in the summer? Head to Heraklion in September when the city has great weather. September is a great time to visit Heraklion, the average daily temperature is around +26 °C - +27 °C. The weather in Heraklion in October continues to be pleasing: from +18 °C to +24 °C, many tourists continue to swim. But it starts to rain from time to time. The last autumn month is unpredictable. The sky can be either clear or overcast with dense gray clouds.
There are many festivals in Heraklion in autumn. In October you can visit the Chestnut Festival and taste this delicacy in different forms. And on October 28, commemorative processions are held throughout Greece in honour of Ohi Day.
In November you can visit St. Minas Parade and Tsikoudia Festival.
The beach season in Heraklion starts in May and ends in November. During those months, Heraklion water temperature does not drop below 20 °C and therefore is suitable for comfortable swimming.
The average annual water temperature on the coast in Heraklion is 20.7 °C, according to the seasons: in winter 17.2 °C, in spring 17.7 °C, in summer 25.0 °C, in autumn 22.9 °C. The minimum water temperature in Heraklion is in February (15.5 °C), and the maximum (27.0 °C) in August.
The warm season lasts from June 10 to September 22, with a maximum average daily temperature above 26 °C. The hottest weather in Heraklion is in July, with an average high of 29 °C and a low of 23 °C.
The cool season lasts from December 5 to March 26, with a daily minimum average temperature below 18 °C. The coldest month of the year in Crete is February, with an average high of 9 °C and a low of 15 °C.